Furthermore, we constructed a list of the top 100 proteins identified in three online EV databases (EVpedia, ExoCarta and VesiclePedia [87] [88] [89], and when performing a multi-group comparison


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Jun 19, 2019 compared with top 100 plasma-derived EV markers from databases. EV markers based on database searches from top 100 Vesiclepedia, 

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Vesiclepedia, and EVpedia. Top  some ranking high among the top 100 most encountered EV components [6] data set with publicly available EV protein databases ExoCarta, Vesiclepedia,  Proteins shared by EVs derived from A549 and A549/CDDP cells include several of the top 100 EV markers described in Vesiclepedia and Exocarta databases.
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Jun 19, 2019 compared with top 100 plasma-derived EV markers from databases. EV markers based on database searches from top 100 Vesiclepedia, 

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