By Johan Bergenas. — I immigrated to the United States from Sweden on Aug. 20, 2001. Iowa was my entry point to the greatest country — and the greatest people — in the world. I am forever thankful for the tennis scholarship at


Environmental crime, despite being a more than $200 billion black market industry, has long been viewed as a tree hugger issue. However, an increasing body of evidence suggests that protecting our oceans, forests and wildlife is not only a matter of conservation, but one of global development and even national security. As a result, governments are … Johan Bergenas and Ariella Knight’s op

Johan Bergenas is the Senior Director of Public Policy at Vulcan Inc, the organization led by Microsoft cofounder Paul G. Allen. Author Johan Bergenas. Search for: Search. Recent posts. Two fish face local extinction from overfishing in Gizo, says WWF; Tighter controls … About Johan Bergenas on Medium.

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One of Bergenas’ current primary focus is “natural security” – the interlinkages between environmental challenges and U.S. national and global security – as well as on technology and public-private sector partnerships. Se Johan Bergenäs profil på LinkedIn, världens största yrkesnätverk. Johan har angett 8 jobb i sin profil. Se hela profilen på LinkedIn, upptäck Johans kontakter och hitta jobb på liknande Johan Bergenas is Senior Director for Public Policy at Vulcan Inc. where he covers environmental security and technology globally. Previously, Bergenas was a program director at the Stimson Center, a leading U.S. national security think tank, where he focused on a wide range of national, global, and environmental security issues.

Debattören om saudiska vapenfabriken: Vi måste våga prata om hur vi kan nyttja vår högteknologiska sektor.

Annebergsgatan 10 C  Johan Bergenäs. hiq (304)lars stugemo (192)hiq international (139)peter häggström (60)jukka rautio (48)jerker lindstén (42)hiq finland (37)hiq  Secure Our Oceans uppgift är att stärka försvaret av dessa, säger Johan Bergenäs, programchef för miljökriminalitetsfrågor på Stimson Center,  Scopri Kan Sverige försvaras - mot vad?

Johan bergenas

By Johan Bergenas — I immigrated to the United States from Sweden on Aug. 20, 2001. Iowa was my entry point to the greatest country — and the greatest people — in the world.

Research Associate, Monterey Institute of International Studies. Guest. International Security analyst on nuclear non-proliferation and arms control By Johan Bergenas — I immigrated to the United States from Sweden on Aug. 20, 2001. Iowa was my entry point to the greatest country — and the greatest people — in the world. Johan Bergenas immigrated from Sweden to Iowa 19 years ago. He is an environmental security expert and Vice President of Technology at Waxman Strategies.

Johan bergenas

14. [22] UN Security Council, "Risks to Non-  1 Jan 2013 Johan Bergenas · Rachel Stohl · Alexander Georgieff. 20 Sep 2017 He and co-author Johan Bergenas, in a Stavridis and Bergenas say the rapid decline of fish stocks around the world is an “existential threat  13 Aug 2013 Johan Bergenas said current anti-poaching efforts have not been successful Bergenas is deputy director of the Managing Across Boundaries  9 Dec 2016 Investigation Agency; and Johan Bergenas, senior associate at the Stimson Centre. Watch the full documentary The Poacher's Pipeline here. 29 Aug 2007 In 2003, Brothers helped coach Stuart Waters to his second consecutive Big Ten honor and also tutored Johan Bergenas, Parker Ross and  13 Ago 2013 O especialista Johan Bergenas diz que apesar disso, a iniciativa do governo americano não será suficiente para resolver os problemas  Johan Verbruggen is a Solicitor at the Galway office of Callan Tansey specialising in Medical Negligence & Medical Misadventure.
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Johan bergenas

Johan is an entrepreneur, having co-founded a tech startup – Eprotection – and served as its CEO. He has published in the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy, and appeared on many national and international media outlets. Johan Bergenas is Senior Director for Public Policy at Vulcan Inc. where he covers environmental security and technology globally. Previously, Bergenas was a program director at the Stimson Center, a leading U.S. national security think tank, where he focused on a wide range of national, global, and environmental security issues. Johan Bergenas is Senior Director for Public Policy at Vulcan Inc., the organization led by philanthropist and Microsoft cofounder Paul G. Allen.

Resilient Regions  Framtiden för global ekonomisk utveckling och säkerhet är samarbeten mellan säkerhets- och biståndsorganisationer, skriver Johan Bergenäs,  Sverige borde nu ha en seriös nationell diskussion om Gripens vara eller inte vara i kampen mot IS, skriver Johan Bergenäs på tankesmedjan  att bekämpa hotet från terror- organisationer" säger Johan Bergenäs, och Kenyas viltvårdsmyndigheter, enligt Johan Bergenäs på Stimson  Position Sverige(1st Edition) om innovation, hållbarhet och arbetsmarknad von Catharina Barkman, Johan Bergenäs, Sofia Börjesson, Charles Edquist, Niklas  av Catharina Barkman , Johan Bergenäs , Sofia Börjesson , Charles Edquist , Niklas Ekdal , Ken Frazier , Gustav Fridolin , Stefan Fölster , Fredrik Gustafsson  Medverkar gör bland annat Peter Hultqvist, ordförande (S) Försvarsutskottet, Johan Bergenäs, analytiker vid tankesmedjan Stimson Center i  Laurent Leksell, Sofia Börjesson, Cecilia Wanger, Sylvia Schwaag Seger, Johan Rockström, Bo Jansson, Catharina Barkman, Johan Bergenäs, Ken Frazier,  Contributors include: Johan Bergenas, Avi Brisman, Craig Forsyth, Meredith Gore, Georg Jaster, Alex Killion, Kasey Kinnard, Antony C. Leberatto, Barney Long,  Johan Bergenäs, Deputy Director Managing Across Boundaries, Stimson, LiU. Yvonne Rosmark, Näringslivschef Linköpings kommun & VD  det tydligt hur fel kritiken är, skriver Johan Bergenäs, säkerhetspolitisk analytiker vid Center for Nonproliferation Studies i Washington.
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2016-02-23 · Donald Trump says that "torture works" and that if elected president he will bring back waterboarding, but torture will make America less safe, says Johan Bergenas.

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Johan Bergenas is a Senior Associate and Director of the Partnerships in Security and Development program. One of Bergenas’ current primary focus is “natural security” – the interlinkages between environmental challenges and U.S. national and global security – as well as on technology and public-private sector partnerships. Johan is an entrepreneur, having co-founded a tech startup – Eprotection – and served as its CEO. He has published in the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy, and appeared on many national and international media outlets. Johan Bergenas is Senior Director for Public Policy at Vulcan Inc. where he covers environmental security and technology globally.