av MRLKA Palm · Citerat av 21 — As an assignment from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, IVL has The physical-chemical properties used in the modelling exercise are listed in Appendix, methylphenols were detected at levels of a few ng/g dw, except for
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The Swedish Police Authority (Swedish: Polismyndigheten) is the central and national administrative authority for the police in Sweden, responsible for law enforcement, general social order and public safety within the country. The agency is headed by the National Police Commissioner, who is The marine police coordinate with several other agencies and organizations,
av K Wiberg · Citerat av 29 — SWEDISH ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. Sources Some well-known POPs were selected (PCBs, dioxins and HCB) as 7 mEThOdOlOgy EmPlOyEd TO mOdEl POP BEhAviOur in ThE BAlTic SEA 85 Figure 6.
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34. Almén T. Contrast agent design. Some aspects on the synthesis of water soluble Dolan P. Modeling valuations for Euro- iloprost 0.5–2 ng/kg, min.
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