You can easily create your own library of mentoring resources and share it with mentors and mentorees as they enter the program. In addition, we recommend that the MPM send out regular communication to mentors and mentorees (once a month, ideally) highlighting a specific, relevant resource. For example, during the first month, the MPM might send an article on three easy communication tips


for their career and professional development. The relationship is Discuss expectations in the first meeting and review as meetings progress. MENTOR'S ROLE Mentors and Mentees complete an online questionnaire to assist in mat

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The best mentors realise that and avoid just telling people what to do. It’s their job to provide the directions and not to drive the car. In mentor and mentee training, stress the importance of setting these times at the beginning and sticking to them. Overall, there are many different pros and cons of virtual mentoring programs, but it can be a huge asset to employee development. You just need to make sure your organization has enough mentors and mentees to participate.
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This App allows the user to monitor his/her performance by recording Video sessions of their speaking and sharing it with their mentors/guiders.

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